Overall I like the idea of the application but it seems to be very inconsistent in its performance.
Stream Updates
There does not seem to be support for Twitters Streaming API so you are forced to go with a time based update. Updates do not appear to remember your place in the time line and also the app does not update unless it is the front most window (i.e. does not update consistently when it is in the background). If this could be solidified, or better yet integrate Twitters streaming API that would be great.
One thing I have not gotten to work is Sync although this may be due to the inconsistent updates. While it may be an iPhone issue only - when timelines are viewed on the iPhone in which tweets have not been read on the Mac the iPhone goes to the top of the timeline and marks all messages but 1 as read and puts you at the top of the timeline. I have yet to be able to read new tweets on the iPhone and have their read status or timeline position replicated in the Mac app. (I am not sure if timeline position is supported between platforms or if it is purely read status).
The UI is very well put together and the fact that windows can be left open makes this app very promising (searches can stay open but minimized etc). I would like to see a change in the account switch button to indicate that a secondary (but not active) account has updates to be read. There have been strange UI errors when waking my MacBook Air from sleep in which there will be an opaque white screen overlaying the app, but this is not consistently replicated so I wont put too much wait in it.
Overall the app is nice and has a lot of promise, but right now its biggest features are also its biggest bugs (timeline refreshes and sync). Look forward to seeing these fixes so that this review can be increased to the 4 or 5 stars that I think this app is capable of.
FjordstormGaming about Tweetings for Twitter